USP Graduate programs are funded by agencies of funding research and human resource training, namely: CAPESCNPq and FAPESP, which offer scholarships for the enrolled students.

The Graduate Program counts on the support of scholarships from CAPES/PROEx (08 scholarships), CNPq (4 scholarships), as provided in their own criteria and requirements for granting and/or renewing scholarships

The Program Management Committee is responsible for selecting, granting and following scholarship holders.

Scholarship holders from the Social Demand Program and CNPq must take the teaching internship, called Teaching Improvement Program (Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino – PAE), which is an integral part of the training of PhD students, aiming to prepare them for the teaching profession and to qualify undergraduate education. From the 1st request for scholarship renewal on, it will be confirmed if the student is taking the course and/or performing the teaching internship.

The scholarships offered by FAPESP are granted directly to the student, upon advisor’s request.

Through specific programs, CAPES and CNPq offer scholarships that enable PhD students to develop part of their dissertation work in foreign institutions.

Among the specific programs, advisees will be able to perform the Institutional Program of Overseas Sandwich Doctorate (Programa Institucional de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior, PDSE) from CAPES, which replaced the Doctorate Program in the Country with Overseas Internship (Programa de Doutorado no País com Estágio no Exterior, PDEE). See PDSE instructions.

The University of São Paulo, through partnerships with foreign institutions, enables its PhD students to prepare their dissertation aiming to obtain a double degree. Please find below the instructions for requesting double degree.


Aguarde, em breve.