Requirements for Admission



Development of the Dissertation project

A doctoral dissertation is considered an investigation study that represents an original contribution to the state-of-the-art of the subject addressed.


Selection and evaluation of the dissertation project

The graduate applicant for approval of the dissertation project should submit it to the Scientific Committee (SC) of the Heart Institute of the Clinical Hospital of the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP), in case the research is carried out at the Institution, either entirely or partly, according to the instructions available on the link

Update Résumé on LATTES platform on the URL

The SC will provide the project to be sent to the Stricto Sensu Graduate Committee for evaluation.   

Research projects involving humans (patients) who do not belong to the HCFMUSP Complex will be firstly analyzed by the Graduate Committee, and later the FMUSP Department of Cardiopneumology and the REC-FMUSP are informed after the project is registered.  

Research projects requiring corrections and/or adjustments suggested by the Program Coordinating Committee on the evaluation of the dissertation project will have a deadline of 30 days to make the necessary changes. If this deadline is not met, the projects will be returned to the Scientific Committee, restarting the evaluation process.


Additional resources



The Postgraduate Program in Cardiology provides consulting and statistical services in research projects. Contact: Julia Fukushima E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Grants directed to pay for statistical assistance during research are offered by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) at Access Auxílios, go to itens financiáveisserviços de terceiros adquiridos no país e forafazer previsão para serviços de consultoria e assessoria em estatística on the website 


Applications are performed continuously throughout the school year, exclusively at the Program Office. The enrollment can only be performed within the year of application, as provided by Notice.