Research lines
1) Diagnoses in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of Bronchial Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
2) Respiratory sleep disorders Study of the interaction between sleep disorders and cardiovascular diseases and understanding the pathophysiology of sleep disorders. Our long-term goal is to reduce the impact of sleep disorders, especially those with cardiovascular disease, by improving the selection and effectiveness of 9xisting therapies and by investigating new alternatives.
3) Environmental and occupational lung diseases Pollution and physical exercises Markers associated with functional changes in individuals exposed to silica Work-related asthma vs. non-work-related asthma - socioeconomic impact assessment Influence of family structure and genetic polymorphism on tobacco dependence Study of pulmonary toxicity and risk of injury in cane cutters
4) Epidemiology of respiratory diseases use of classical and modern epidemiology methodology to understand respiratory diseases in clinical and population studies.
5) Interstitial lung diseases Study of diseases of the lower respiratory tract characterized by alveolar derangement and functional loss of alveolocapillary unit. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.
6) Pulmonary circulation study Study of pulmonary hypertension in its various forms: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. Study of acute and chronic pulmonary embolism: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.
7) Pulmonary rehabilitation study of assessment and intervention techniques that improve the physical, functional and psychosocial aspects of patientes with respiratory disordes at the hospital and outpatient level. Study of new technologies for Rehabilition and analysis of systemic clinical variables that assist in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of pumonary diseases.
8) Physiology and investigation of the ventilatory musculature Study of ventilatory, ins and expiratory muscles in healthy individuals and in the various diseases with respiratory symptoms. Through different diagnostic techniques, it is possible to measure the maximum forces generated by each muscle group, as well as to evaluate their dynamic (kinematic) behavior during respiratory cycles in the resting and exercise conditions. With this, there is one more tool in the investigation of the genesis of symptoms (such as dyspnea) and less effort tolerance in patients with possible involvement of the ventilatory musculature
9) Pathophysiology of the pleural cavity Studies of the mechanisms involving the pleural space. Determinants of experimental pleurodesis, characterizing pleural sclerosing agents, mechanisms of action, side effects and drug interaction.
10) Respiratory insufficiency / Mechanical ventilation To study the multiple forms of pulmonary involvement that develop into respiratory failure. Analyze from a pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic point of view. Study the various methods of applied artificial ventilation.
11) Pulmonary transplantation Evaluation of the different forms of graft rejection and its clinical, pathological, radiological and functional presentations, as well as factors involved in the immune response of the host, leading to chronic graft dysfunction in lung transplant patients.
12) Bronchiectasis / Cystic Fibrosis - Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of Pulmonary Diseases related to bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis.
13) Digital Health the Coronavirus pandemic has proven the importance of information for quick decision making in the area of health. Digital health was introduced using information technology and communication resources, streamlining the process of process of patient care and discussion among health professionals. This line of research expands the area of knowledge in pulmonology.